How to Monitor Your IoT Environment in Real Time

Apr 16, 2024
William To

Today, interconnected smart devices are everywhere, from consumer appliances like thermostats and cars to industrial-scale applications such as wind farms or factories. 

As Internet of Things (IoT) adoption increases, it also generates increasing amounts of data. By one estimate, 2025 will see 55.7 billion IoT devices generating 80 zettabytes of data—approximately 80 billion terabytes. Needless to say, managing and monitoring all of this IoT data is a vast, expansive task.

But it’s also necessary. Beyond simply troubleshooting issues such as latencies or outages, teams can also rapidly access insights and even automate the decision making process, leading to improved safety, more precise predictive maintenance, reduced resource consumption, lower expenses, and more.

What is IoT monitoring?

At its most basic level, IoT monitoring includes the collection, organization, analysis, and management of IoT devices and networks, all to ensure continued performance, security, and efficiency. In general, this includes several steps:

Device discovery

The first step is to identify, catalog, and connect all IoT devices within a single ecosystem, which can be a complex initiative. After all, an IoT environment can consist of multiple models of devices, each generating different types of data and running various firmware. 

There are several types of IoT devices: sensors, which collect data; controllers, which analyze and act on data; and actuators, which are instructed by controllers to execute actions, such as closing a valve or releasing steam in a controlled manner. Controllers vary in capacity and size, ranging from a simple microcontroller that’s the size of a computer chip, to a more sophisticated system that could be the size of a modern internet modem. 

Device monitoring and intervention

Many IoT use cases, such as energy or wastewater treatment, run nonstop, with downtime only for maintenance. As a result, IoT sensors must constantly collect data, generating a continuous stream of timestamped event data for metrics such as power levels, operational states, connectivity, and more. 

Alerting and automation

Because failures can create safety consequences (power outages or oil well blowouts), teams must monitor their IoT environments in real time, so that they can alert on anomalies—and promptly intervene or troubleshoot any issues that arise. Therefore, IoT monitoring does require a real-time IoT database capable of rapid analytics, aggregations, and time series support.

An organization may also automate actions, especially if the safety margins are too tight for human intervention. One example is communications-based train control (CBTC), a digital train control system that uses computers to route train traffic and prevent collisions or other hazards. A use case like CBTC will likely automate actions such as braking or train spacing, perhaps providing computerized assistance (in the form of navigation or alerts) to conductors and dispatchers, or even directly intervening in case of human error.

A real-world example

For instance, a utility-scale solar installation, which includes panels, inverters, and battery storage, could have a large range of different devices, even on a single asset. One solar panel may have sensors to gather data on panel angles, a controller to assess production, and an actuator to tilt the panel, following the sun as it travels across the sky. Inverters, which convert the solar panel outputs into electricity, may also need sensors to monitor their energy efficiency. Lastly, any on-site battery storage also requires sensors to collect metrics like temperature and charge, and perhaps a controller and an actuator to discharge excess electricity into the grid to avoid overload.

Each of these devices generate different data types, such as temperatures, angles, voltage, sunlight intensity, state of charge, cycle count, and more. To process this data efficiently, a team will need a database model that can accommodate multiple data models, query and analyze this data instantaneously, and provide insights to act on immediately.

What are the benefits of IoT monitoring?

IoT monitoring opens up a new world of possibilities for everyone involved—teams, organizations, and customers alike. Without this capability, stakeholders cannot visualize their operations, compliance, or security. In fact, many of the key capabilities of IoT are impossible without strong, scalable monitoring.

The first benefit is system health and performance. Monitoring provides continuous, real-time visibility into the state of IoT devices, networks, and systems, helping teams ensure that they function as needed. This also facilitates the troubleshooting process—teams can quickly detect and preempt any issues that arise, preventing them from escalating into a larger crisis like a full-blown failure. For instance, a team can monitor their network routers, and if any fail or show signs of latency or other trouble, dispatch field technicians to fix them.

Another important benefit is optimizing performance. By gathering and analyzing IoT data, teams can come to conclusions and act on them, ideally in real time and with a degree of automation. For example, a fleet management solution could automatically reroute delivery or pickup vehicles without human intervention by relying on rapid, real-time insights and triggers linked to common issues such as traffic jams, delays, emergencies, and more.

Security can also be strengthened through IoT monitoring. Teams can detect security threats, vulnerabilities, and unauthorized access attempts in IoT networks, better identifying anomalies and protecting against cyberattacks and data breaches. This could take the form of monitoring software patches, firmware updates, and unusual transmissions or connections.

IoT monitoring also enables predictive maintenance, so that infrastructure can last longer and failures can be minimized. By analyzing past performance and trends, teams can determine wear and tear and fine tune maintenance for important infrastructure—like oil well drill bits or trains—for repairs and overhauls, extending service lives and maintaining safety margins.

Similarly, IoT monitoring enables cost optimization. Practices like predictive maintenance can make components last longer, but teams can also identify other inefficiencies, better utilizing resources and improving profitability. For instance, a smart HVAC system could alert operators on failing boilers or other equipment anomalies, or even turn off lighting or climate control in rooms or floors with no occupants.

End users will also benefit from IoT monitoring, which can analyze their usage, build patterns, and alter their behaviors to better suit human preferences. A smart home security system can automatically adjust settings based on resident schedules (perhaps someone is working the night shift and gets home early in the morning), or even distinguish between harmless events (the family cat returning through a pet door) and more suspicious ones.

Lastly, IoT monitoring enables data-driven decision making, helping teams come to conclusions that will improve their business model or organization. One example is data in farming—through data analytics, a farmer can refine their irrigation schedule, fertilizer process, and pest control, providing maximum crop yield for minimum resource usage.

What are the challenges of IoT monitoring?

While no IoT use cases are exactly the same, all IoT teams do face similar challenges and obstacles.

High volume of data

By nature, connected devices for IoT are always on and transmitting metrics, events, logs, and other types of data. Take the example of sensors on assembly lines or thermostats for both residential and commercial use: for safety and efficiency reasons, both devices must run continuously, without any downtime. If either device generates one event per second, over the course of a day, that would equate to approximately 86,400 events.

When compounded across an entire network of devices, this could result in a significant amount of data—perhaps too much for most databases to organize, process, and analyze, at least in a timely manner. Some legacy databases, such as those utilizing relational data models, have been known to struggle with large data volumes, forcing teams to find workarounds or manually scale their data infrastructure up and down.

High velocity

In IoT applications, data is created, ingested, and analyzed at high speeds, because insights are time sensitive and can expire rapidly. High volumes of data can hinder the high velocity at which IoT environments must perform.

Delays in ingestion, analysis, and retrieval can also have knock-on effects, especially on applications. Regardless of whether these applications are for customers or internal users, significant latency (up to several seconds or minutes) will make them unusable. Any lag will also bring serious consequences to downstream applications or components, such as a train control system or an oil drill controller.

High variety

IoT devices are not at all the same, simply because they carry out separate functions—a controller is not a sensor, and a sensor is not an actuator. Therefore, IoT devices likely generate (and work with) a wide range of data, which can be difficult to accommodate in a single database.

In fact, there is great variety even within IoT sensors working in the same environment, and  integrating these different data types will likely require changes to a database schema, perhaps with regular updates. A sensor on a network router may generate logs, while a sensor on a network switch might collect and transmit metrics concerning resource utilization, and port status. Further, due to inconsistent updates, even the same sensor types might run different firmware versions which collect different data fields.

Complexity only grows depending on the length and stages involved in a team’s data pipeline. For instance, if a data pipeline requires data to be exported, transformed, and loaded into their database before analysis or aggregations can be executed, then a team will need to add extra steps into their workflow—which could increase latency and further slow downstream applications. 

How does IoT monitoring work?

The actual IoT monitoring process is fairly straightforward: find devices, gather and send data, store and manage data, analyze data for insights, and finally, display data in a graphical format, such as charts or maps.

Device discovery

There are several ways to identify and register IoT devices, including network scanning, service discovery protocols, or simply just adding them to a centralized IoT platform. For instance, devices configured with protocols such as Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) and Multicast DNS (mDNS) will broadcast their presence locally for other nearby devices to connect.

After they are discovered, teams need to add unique identifiers, such as device IDs or MAC addresses, to devices and define metadata tags for each device, including device type, location, firmware version, and more. For security concerns, devices will need to be authenticated before they are allowed onto the network.

Data collection and transmission

IoT sensors will capture important metrics and then stream them to a database. These parameters will vary widely depending on industry: for instance, monitoring an assembly line might require temperature, error rates, or speed, while a team running a solar panel installation would need to look at angle, voltage and output, inverter performance, and sunlight intensity.

Streaming data (usually via Amazon Kinesis or Apache Kafka) is the preferred method of data ingestion, because it is very suitable for real-time speeds. Data will be transferred via protocols such as Messaging Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT), Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), or HTTPS—all of which balance security with efficiency and resource usage. Depending on an organization’s needs, they may also add an additional layer of encryption or even role-based access control (RBAC).

Data storage and management

After data is ingested, it has to be stored, either in the cloud, on premises, or a mix of the two. The exact mode of storage will depend on the company’s needs—for compliance purposes, some companies may be required to keep some (or all) of their data in on-premises servers, especially in highly regulated fields such as finance or healthcare. 

Otherwise, an organization can choose (or switch between) storage types as needed, taking advantage of the scalability, flexibility, and accessibility of cloud databases or settling for the data security and relatively higher degree of control of on-premises hardware. Alternatively, they can choose both—putting sensitive data on in-house servers while keeping less important data on the cloud. 

There are also different types of data solutions available. Some companies may prefer data lakes for efficient retrieval or specialized databases (like time series) to meet their needs. In fact, some organizations prefer time series databases, given that most IoT data come in the form of timestamped events, which time series databases are optimized for.

Data also has to be organized for efficient storage and querying, usually in either structured, semi-structured, or unstructured formats. Each have their disadvantages and advantages: while structured databases are consistent and organized for fast retrieval, they aren’t as flexible or scalable. Conversely, unstructured databases, which have no predefined schema, can easily capture all types of data, but are less suitable for use cases where data consistency, fast queries, and processing speeds are necessary. 

Semi-structured tries to blend both strengths, accommodating more data types through JSON or XML and better representing a wider array of hierarchical and other relationships—but struggling with data consistency, overhead, and query speeds. 

At this stage, teams also need to set up tiering, automating tasks such as data archival. Given that fast memory (usually NVMe) is the most expensive, it is usually reserved for hot, recent data that needs to be immediately accessed. In contrast, cold storage is used for older data, which could be anywhere from six weeks to six months (and longer). 

Data analysis and insights

Before data can be squeezed of insights, it has to be prepared—cleaned of duplicates, filtered of noise, and finally transformed into a suitable format for analysis. This pre-processing usually takes place through a stream processor such as Apache Flink, which will execute these steps in real time.

Afterwards, data is analyzed, run through advanced operations such as statistical analysis, machine learning, or predictive modeling. At this stage, teams may also elect to apply anomaly detection, highlighting outliers and flagging them for human investigation or alternatively, for an automatic action. For instance, a healthcare device might detect fluctuations in vital signs, which could trigger automatic alerts to healthcare providers for a response. Alternatively, a solar panel moving too far out of its optimal angle could trigger motors to bring it back into alignment, without notifying any humans.

After data is analyzed, insights are generated to assist stakeholders in making decisions, optimizing performance, or troubleshooting issues. This could be an improved predictive maintenance schedule for airplane engines, shortening the periods between different checks and spreading the work out amongst teams to avoid burnout. Another option could be traffic analysis that provides insights into patterns and congestion, leading to better traffic signal performance through altered timings.

Visualization and alerts

After data is analyzed and insights created, the results have to be communicated, ideally through an intuitive, appealing visual format. Solutions like Imply Pivot enable the creation of interactive, shareable graphics, such as charts, maps, stack areas, and more, so that customers, employees, and executives alike can access and dissect data at their leisure. 

Alerts are another important option. As mentioned previously, teams can be alerted in situations where human intervention is required, through methods such as email, SMS, or push notifications. THe important thing to remember is that alerts, done properly, can help a team get ahead of an evolving crisis and take corrective actions as necessary.

What are some common metrics monitored in IoT systems?

Even across different IoT use cases, such as manufacturing or energy or supply chain management, organizations will gather and analyze similar metrics. Here are some examples:

Device health

Device performance is essential for IoT operations, as IoT analytics and insights cannot be generated without data. These metrics include:

Battery life, which is essential for device usage. A device shutting down due to a depleted battery will result in downtime, data loss, and service interruptions. Therefore, teams have to track this metric and manage their batteries accordingly, swapping out inoperable batteries or recharging batteries regularly.

Signal strength—either WiFi, Bluetooth, Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWan), or more—which is a key component of wireless communication, and the primary method by which IoT devices transmit data, connect with other nodes in the network, and receive instructions. Weak signals result in errors or failures, and teams can guard against this by deploying signal boosters, adjusting antennas, or even removing barriers to connectivity.

CPU usage is a key indicator of how IoT devices are utilizing resources, processing workloads, and balancing their priorities. Too-high CPU usage could be a sign of inefficiencies in the above processes, so teams have to monitor this metric in order to optimize performance.

Storage capacity, which refers to the amount of data that can be stored on a single device. Insufficient storage could lead to data loss, system failure, application crashes, or even data corruption. Organizations have to track storage capacity metrics and implement data retention policies, tiering, or data compression to better manage resources.

Sensor data metrics

Because there are so many different sectors and industries within IoT, sensors probably track the most diverse types of metrics, including:

Temperature, which can be used across environmental monitoring, HVAC systems, logistics (generally around transporting food and other perishable goods), and manufacturing. Any anomalies that fall outside optimal temperature ranges could be indicators of malfunctions, safety hazards, or other problems—and should trip alerts or automated triggers for actions.

Pressure, which is essential to different fields, such as manufacturing, oil and gas, saturation diving, and meteorology. Pressure fluctuations could be indications of pipeline leaks, equipment failures, or operating conditions—all vital safety issues that must be addressed rapidly.

Humidity, which is vital for agriculture, food storage, and climate control, among other use cases. Deviating from normal humidity can have impacts on product quality, equipment performance, and comfort. Automated systems also need to track humidity data in order to execute actions (lowering temperatures for instance) or alert human team members to faults.

Location, which is important for asset tracking, fleet management, or any application that requires geographic data. Teams may use this for optimizing routes (avoiding traffic and diverting deliveries in real time), identifying inefficiencies, and improving asset utilization (such as removing or relocating underperforming devices based on their locations).

Performance metrics

Rather than being limited to single devices, teams also have to assess performance metrics across the entire network as a whole. 

Transmission latency measures how long it takes for data to travel from IoT devices to the cloud or server, which helps assess network performance and reliability. High latency has downstream effects such as data processing delays, slow responses to crises, and poor user experiences.

Throughput measures whether data is traveling efficiently through the network, and is vital for ensuring good use of network bandwidth and timely data delivery. Poor throughput can lead to congestion, packet loss, and ultimately, degraded IoT application performance.

Response times measures how long it takes for requests or commands to be sent to IoT devices, and serve as yet another indicator of user experience or system responsiveness. Slow response times lead to delays, congestion, and inefficient responses from IoT applications and devices.

Security metrics

Even if they’re not solely on the cloud, IoT devices are still connected to servers and each other, making them vulnerable to hacking. Therefore, teams have to monitor the following security metrics:

Login attempts and authentication events are used to detect unauthorized access—and potentially security breaches. Multiple failed logins, as well as logins from unfamiliar IP addresses or locations, can be signs of credential stuffing or other brute force attacks such as Distributed Denial of Service.

Suspicious activity, such as unusual device interaction or data access and transfer patterns, can also indicate security incidents. This activity is usually found in security logs and events, and are best detected through security information and event management (SIEM) solutions and anomaly detection algorithms.

Potential vulnerabilities are more miscellaneous, but include things like patch deployment or OS firmware version, as older variants can be more susceptible to hacking; compliance with security standards, which could reveal vulnerabilities; and risk level.

What are some use cases for IoT monitoring?

Predictive maintenance 

By analyzing sensor data, teams can anticipate equipment failures before they occur—and perhaps even prevent them entirely by tailoring maintenance schedules accordingly. Done properly, this will lead to less downtime and longer equipment life.

Anomaly detection 

By establishing thresholds for metrics and detecting anomalies in sensor readings, teams can more easily identify underlying issues in an IoT device. This could be temperature readings for assembly lines or revolutions per minute (RPM) for an engine. Any events that fall beyond these thresholds can be flagged for intervention, or trigger automatic actions.

Fleet tracking and asset management

Any business model which involves fleets of vehicles will benefit from IoT monitoring. This could be GPS data for altering routes in response to real-time traffic conditions such as congestions or accidents; improved routes for more efficient deliveries, pickups, and dropoffs; and usage- or hotspot-based data to better dispatch vehicles.

Environmental monitoring

Whether it’s air, water, or soil quality, sensors can provide a real-time, big-picture view of environmental quality at any given point in time. This requires a database that can handle high-cardinality, geographic, and timestamped data.

Industrial IoT monitoring

For factories and assembly lines, real-time monitoring is essential for both safety and operational efficiency. Teams can use this data to optimize processes, identify bottlenecks, assess performance, and assure both quality and productivity. 

What are some key features IoT monitoring solutions must have?

Scalability and real-time data ingestion

With the exponential growth of IoT devices and data, scalability is key to accommodating data loads without sacrificing performance or reliability. Any IoT monitoring solution has to scale dynamically to handle the high volume and velocity of data generated by IoT devices. That means they have to ingest data in real time, ideally via streaming, and offer features that can quickly process and access such data.

Apache Druid, a real-time analytics database that serves as the foundation for Imply products, is natively compatible with top streaming platforms such as Apache Kafka and Amazon Kinesis, enabling users to set up streaming data ingestion with several clicks and no additional workarounds. Imply also includes features such as query on arrival to make streaming data accessible upon ingestion, and deduplication to ensure data consistency.

Data storage and management

Storing and organizing data properly facilitates data integrity, accessibility, and compliance with regulatory requirements. Therefore, any IoT monitoring platform has to be capable of flexibly accommodating diverse data formats from different sensors, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data types. In addition, the underlying database should also provide either cloud-based, on-premise, or hybrid options with strong data retention policies, versioning, and encryption.

Imply can automatically detect schema and alter its model accordingly, providing the flexibility of a schemaless database while retaining the performance advantages of a strongly-typed database. This also offloads some of the work expected of developers or database administrators, freeing them up for other tasks.

To learn more, read this article on schema autodiscovery.

Ability to handle late-arriving data

Some IoT devices may be located in areas with poor connectivity or struggle with packet loss, which can result in data transmission delays. However, late-arriving data is still important, and should be seamlessly incorporated into analytics.

Imply can help automatically backfill late-arriving data, slotting them into the proper place without human intervention. To learn more about how this helped one solar inverter manufacturer with their operations, read this ebook.

Real-time queries

In order to detect and address issues promptly, as well as to make informed decisions, teams have to query data in real time. Regardless of factors such as the size of their dataset, the rate of queries, or the number of concurrent users, queries should ideally be returned in seconds or less.

Built on Apache Druid’s unique architecture, Imply products can ensure subsecond query responses even amid high rates of simultaneous operations and users. This is accomplished through the scatter-gather method—queries are broken down into discrete parts, routed to the columns where the relevant data is stored, and then reassembled by a broker node before being returned to the user. Importantly, these queries can proceed in parallel, as columns and segments are not locked—thus further improving query retrieval times.

To learn more about how this process works, read the Apache Druid architecture whitepaper.

Advanced analytics and insights

For an organization to make better (and more timely) decisions, they need to identify trends, patterns, and anomalies. They can build predictive models, algorithms to detect anomalies, and more.

Imply supports integration with external analytics libraries and frameworks, such as Apache Spark and TensorFlow. This enables organizations to leverage advanced analytics techniques, including machine learning, predictive modeling, and anomaly detection, to derive insights from IoT data.

Imply is also optimized for time-series data analysis, making it well-suited for IoT use cases where data is collected over time. This includes time-based partitioning, interpolation and backfill, windowing functions, and time-based aggregations.

Data visualization and alerting

Intuitive dashboards and visualizations are essential for presenting complex IoT data in an easy-to-understand format. Paired with automated alerts, dashboards can help reduce confusion and improve communication, especially during crisis situations.

Imply Pivot is a GUI for building and sharing interactive visualizations—such as bar charts, line graphs, maps, and more—either by embedding them into applications or as browser links. Each user action, such as a zoom in or drag and drop, will create multiple SQL operations on the backend, which Pivot will execute in milliseconds—providing a truly responsive, fast experience.


As interconnected smart devices spread to more sectors of our society and economy, monitoring and managing them will become more important. Teams have to detect and respond to latencies and outages, fine tune predictive maintenance to extend equipment lives and safety parameters, and ensure more efficient, profitable operations.

To learn more about Imply and how it can help facilitate key IoT functions, read this ebook.
For the easiest way to get started with Apache Druid, sign up for a free trial of Imply Polaris, the fully managed, Druid database-as-a-service.

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Jul 25, 2023

Things to Consider When Scaling Analytics for High QPS

This 2-part blog post explores key technical considerations to support high QPS for analytics and the strengths of Apache Druid

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Jul 20, 2023

Automate Streaming Data Ingestion with Kafka and Druid

In this blog post, we explore the integration of Kafka and Druid for data stream management and analysis, emphasizing automatic topic detection and ingestion. We delve into the creation of 'Ingestion Spec',...

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Jul 12, 2023

Schema Auto-Discovery with Apache Druid

This guide explores configuring Apache Druid to receive Kafka streaming messages. To demonstrate Druid's game-changing automatic schema discovery. Using a real-world scenario where data changes are handled...

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Jul 11, 2023

What’s new in Imply Polaris – Q2 2023

Imply Polaris, our ever-evolving Database-as-a-Service, recently focused on global expansion, enhanced security, and improved data handling and visualization. This fully managed cloud service, based on Apache...

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Jun 06, 2023

Introducing hands-on developer tutorials for Apache Druid

The objective of this blog is to introduce the new set of interactive tutorials focused on the Druid API fundamentals. These tutorials are available as Jupyter Notebooks and can be downloaded as a Docker container.

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Jun 01, 2023

Introducing Schema Auto-Discovery in Apache Druid

In this blog article I’ll unpack schema auto-discovery, a new feature now available in Druid 26.0, that enables Druid to automatically discover data fields and data types and update tables to match changing...

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May 30, 2023

Exploring Unnest in Druid

Druid now has a new function, Unnest. Unnest explodes an array into individual elements. This blog contains design methodology and examples for this new Unnest function both from native and SQL binding perspectives.

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May 28, 2023

What’s new in Imply Polaris – Our Real-Time Analytics DBaaS

Every week we add new features and capabilities to Imply Polaris. This month, we’ve expanded security capabilities, added new query functionality, and made it easier to monitor your service with your preferred...

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May 24, 2023

Introducing Apache Druid 26.0

Apache Druid® 26.0, an open-source distributed database for real-time analytics, has seen significant improvements with 411 new commits, a 40% increase from version 25.0. The expanded contributor base of 60...

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May 22, 2023

ACID and Apache Druid

ACID and Druid, an interesting dive into some of the Druid capabilities in the light of ACID compliance

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May 21, 2023

How to Build a Sentiment Analysis Application with ChatGPT and Druid

Leveraging ChatGPT for sentiment analysis, when combined with Apache Druid, offers results from large data volumes. This integration is easily achievable, revealing valuable insights and trends for businesses...

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May 21, 2023

Snowflake and Apache Druid

In this blog, we will compare Snowflake and Druid. It is important to note that reporting data warehouses and real-time analytics databases are different domains. Choosing the right tool for your specific requirements...

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May 20, 2023

Learn how to achieve sub-second responses with Apache Druid

Learn how to achieve sub-second responses with Apache Druid. This article is an in-depth look at how Druid resolves queries and describes data modeling techniques that improve performance.

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May 19, 2023

Apache Druid – Recovering Dropped Segments

Apache Druid uses load rules to manage the ageing of segments from one historical tier to another and finally to purge old segments from the cluster. In this article, we’ll show what happens when you make...

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May 18, 2023

Real-Time Analytics: Building Blocks and Architecture

This blog identifies the key technical considerations for real-time analytics. It answers what is the right data architecture and why. It spotlights the technologies used at Confluent, Reddit, Target and 1000s...

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May 17, 2023

Transactions Come and Go, but Events are Forever

For decades, analytics has focused on Transactions. While Transactions are still important, the future of analytics is understanding Events.

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May 16, 2023

What’s new in Imply Polaris – Our Real-Time Analytics DBaaS

This blog explains some of the new features, functionality and connectivity added to Imply Polaris over the last two months. We've expanded ingestion capabilities, simplified operations and increased reliability...

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May 15, 2023

Elasticsearch and Druid

This blog will help you understand what Elasticsearch and Druid do well and will help you decide whether you need one or both to reach your goals

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May 14, 2023

Wow, that was easy – Up and running with Apache Druid

The objective of this blog is to provide a step-by-step guide on setting up Druid locally, including the use of SQL ingestion for importing data and executing analytical queries.

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May 13, 2023

Top 7 Questions about Kafka and Druid

Read on to learn more about common questions and answers about using Kafka with Druid.

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May 12, 2023

Tales at Scale Podcast Kicks off with the Apache Druid Origin Story

Tales at Scale cracks open the world of analytics projects and shares stories from developers and engineers who are building analytics applications or working within the real-time data space. One of the key...

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May 11, 2023

Real-time Analytics Database uses partitioning and pruning to achieve its legendary performance

Apache Druid uses partitioning (splitting data) and pruning (selecting subset of data) to achieve its legendary performance. Learn how to use the CLUSTERED BY clause during ingestion for performance and high...

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May 10, 2023

Easily embed analytics into your own apps with Imply’s DBaaS

This blog explains how developers can leverage Imply Polaris to embed robust visualization options directly into their own applications without them having to build a UI. This is super important because consuming...

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May 09, 2023

Building an Event Analytics Pipeline with Confluent Cloud and Imply’s real time DBaaS, Polaris

Learn how to set up a pipeline that generates a simulated clickstream event stream and sends it to Confluent Cloud, processes the raw clickstream data using managed ksqlDB in Confluent Cloud, delivers the processed...

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May 08, 2023

Real time DBaaS comes to Europe

We are excited to announce the availability of Imply Polaris in Europe, specifically in AWS eu-central-1 region based in Frankfurt. Since its launch in March 2022, Imply Polaris, the fully managed Database-as-a-Service...

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May 07, 2023

Stream big, think bigger—Analyze streaming data at scale in 2023

Imply is predicting the next "big thing" in 2023 will be analyzing streaming data in real time (and Druid is built for just that!)

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May 07, 2023

Should You Build or Buy Security Analytics for SecOps?

When should you build—or buy—a security analytics platform for your environment? Here are some common considerations—and how Apache Druid is the ideal foundation for any in-house security solution.

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May 05, 2023

Introducing Apache Druid 25.0

Apache Druid 25.0 contains over 293 updates from over 56 contributors.

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May 03, 2023

Druid and SQL syntax

This is a technical blog, which summarises the process of extending the Druid's SQL grammar for ingestion and delves into the nitty gritty of Calcite.

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May 02, 2023

Native support for semi-structured data in Apache Druid

Describes a new feature- ingest complex data as is into Druid- massive improvement in developer productivity

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May 01, 2023

Real-Time Analytics with Imply Polaris: From Setup to Visualization

Imply Polaris offers reduced operational overhead and elastic scaling for efficient real-time analytics that helps you unlock your data's potential.

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May 01, 2023

Datanami Award

Apache Druid won Datanami's 2022 Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards for Reader's Choice "Best Data and AI Product or Technology: Analytics Database".

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Apr 30, 2023

Alerting and Security Features in Polaris

Describes new features - alerts and some security features- and how Imply customers can leverage it

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Apr 29, 2023

Ingestion from Amazon Kinesis and S3 into Imply Polaris

Imply Polaris now supports data ingestion from Amazon Kinesis and Amazon S3

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Apr 27, 2023

Getting the Most Out of your Data

Ingesting data from one table to another is easy and fast in Imply Polaris!

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Apr 26, 2023

Combating financial fraud and money laundering at scale with Apache Druid

Learn how Apache Druid enables financial services firms and FinTech companies to get immediate insights from petabytes-plus data volumes for anti-fraud and anti-money laundering compliance.

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Apr 26, 2023

What’s new in Imply – December 2022

This is a what's new to Imply in Dec 2022. We’ve added two new features to Imply Polaris to make it easier for your end users to take advantage of real-time insights.

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Apr 25, 2023

What’s New in Imply Polaris – November 2022

This blog provides an overview for the new features, functionality, and connectivity to Imply Polaris for November 2022.

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Apr 24, 2023

Imply Pivot delivers the final mile for modern analytics applications

This blog is focused on how Imply Pivot delivers the final mile for building an anlaytics app. It showcases two customer examples - Twitch and ironsource.

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Apr 23, 2023

Why Analytics Need More than a Data Warehouse

For decades, analytics has been defined by the standard reporting and BI workflow, supported by the data warehouse. Now, 1000s of companies are realizing an expansion of analytics beyond reporting, which requires...

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Apr 21, 2023

Why Open Source Matters for Databases

Apache Druid is at the heart of Imply. We’re an open source business, and that’s why we’re committed to making Druid the best open source database for modern analytics applications

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Apr 20, 2023

Ingestion from Confluent Cloud and Kafka in Polaris

How to ingest data into Imply Polaris from Confluent Cloud and from Apache Kafka

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Apr 18, 2023

What Makes a Database Built for Streaming Data?

For an analytics app to handle real-time, streaming sources, it must be built for streaming data. Druid has 3 essential features for stream data.

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Oct 12, 2022

SQL-based Transformations and JSON Columns in Imply Polaris

You can easily do data transformations and manage JSON data with Imply Polaris, both using SQL.

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Oct 06, 2022

Approximate Distinct Counts in Imply Polaris

When it comes to modern data analytics applications, speed is of the utmost importance. In this blog we discuss two approximation algorithms which can be used to greatly enhance speed with only a slight reduction...

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Sep 20, 2022

The next chapter for Imply Polaris: celebrating 250+ accounts, continued innovation

Today we announced the next iteration of Imply Polaris, the fully managed Database-as-a-Service that helps you build modern analytics applications faster, cheaper, and with less effort. Since its launch in...

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Sep 20, 2022

Introducing Imply’s Total Value Guarantee for Apache Druid

Apache Druid 24.0 contains 450 updates and new features, major performance enhancements, bug fixes, and major documentation improvements

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Sep 16, 2022

Introducing Apache Druid 24.0

Apache Druid 24.0 contains 450 updates and new features, major performance enhancements, bug fixes, and major documentation improvements

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Aug 16, 2022

Using Imply Pivot with Druid to Deduplicate Timeseries Data

Imply Pivot offers multi step aggregations, which is valuable for timeseries data where measures are not evenly distributed in time.

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Jul 21, 2022

A Look Under the Surface at Polaris Security

We have taken a security-first approach in building the easiest real-time database for modern analytics applications.

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Jul 14, 2022

Upserts and Data Deduplication with Druid

A look at what can be done with Druid for upserts and data deduplication.

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Jul 01, 2022

What Developers Can Build with Apache Druid

We obviously talk a lot about #ApacheDruid on here. But what are folks actually building with Druid? What is a modern analytics application, exactly? Let's find out

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Jun 29, 2022

When Streaming Analytics… Isn’t

Nearly all databases are designed for batch processing, which leaves three options for stream analytics.

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Jun 29, 2022

Apache Druid vs. Snowflake

Elasticity is important, but beware the database that can only save you money when your application is not in use. The best solution will have excellent price-performance under all conditions.

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Jun 22, 2022

Druid 0.23 – Features And Capabilities For Advanced Scenarios

Many of Druid’s improvements focus on building a solid foundation, including making the system more stable, easier to use, faster to scale, and better integrated with the rest of the data ecosystem. But for...

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Jun 22, 2022

Introducing Apache Druid 0.23

Apache Druid 0.23.0 contains over 450 updates, including new features, major performance enhancements, bug fixes, and major documentation improvements.

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Jun 20, 2022

An Opinionated Guide to Component APIs

We have collected a number of guidelines for React component APIs that make components more predictable in terms of behavior and performance.

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Jun 10, 2022

Druid Architecture & Concepts

In a world full of databases, learn how Apache Druid makes real-time analytics apps a reality in this Whitepaper from Imply

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May 25, 2022

3 decisions that shaped the Polaris UI

Imply Polaris is a fully managed database-as-a-service for building realtime analytics applications. John is the tech lead for the Polaris UI, known internally as the Unified App. It began with a profound question:...

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May 19, 2022

How Imply Polaris takes a security-first approach

A primer for developers on security tools and controls available in Imply Polaris

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May 17, 2022

Imply Raises $100MM in Series D funding

There is a new category within data analytics emerging which is not centered in the world of reports and dashboards (the purview of data analysts and data scientists), but instead centered in the world of applications...

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May 11, 2022

Imply Named “Cool Database Vendor” by CRN

There can’t be one database good at everything. When it comes to real-time analytics, you need a database built for it.

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May 11, 2022

Living the Stream

We are in the early stages of a stream revolution, as developers build modern transactional and analytic applications that use real-time data continuously delivered.

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