The Secret to Apache Druid Success

Jun 10, 2020
Rob Meyer

There is no doubt that Apache Druid is a success, or that the benefits of implementing Druid can be huge. It is the leading open source real-time analytics database on the market. Thousands of companies use it to to equip their employees and customers with self-service analytics to make better, faster decisions.

But being successful on your own with Druid can be challenging. You have to size, procure and provision the right infrastructure; hire and train staff; develop, test, tune and deploy; monitor, manage, upgrade and update over time; and continually educate end users to drive adoption. If you don’t manage the risk behind these steps, a Druid project can easily fail.

Imply has worked on hundreds of Druid deployments, both in development or already in production. Those companies who have taken advantage of our real-time analytics solution and Druid expertise have been able to achieve some amazing results that include:

  • 6 months faster time to production
  • 5x greater productivity with their existing resources
  • 10x faster performance, greater scalability and lower infrastructure costs
  • 100x greater adoption of self-service analytics

These tools and best practices are proven across telecommunications, media, retail, financial services, manufacturing, and SaaS; as well as a broad range of real-time analytics use cases such as advertising, marketing campaigns and user behavior in digital products, network and application monitoring, IoT, risk, security, and fraud.

GameAnalytics outlined their experience in a recent webinar. After struggling for several months with Druid, GameAnalytics reached out to Imply. Ninety days later, they were in production via Imply Cloud, and have grown 4x year-over-year with ease.

Today, GameAnalytics uses Imply and Druid to process more than 15 billion events a day, with more than 250,000 events per second at peak, and 40,000 queries per hour. Collectively, over 90,000 game developers use this data to analyze and improve the gaming experience of 1.2 billion monthly unique gamers.

If you want to learn from Game Analytics about their experiences, you can watch their webinar.

For more details on how Imply can ensure your Druid project is successful, you can download the Fast Path to Druid Success white paper, which discusses how Imply helps across development, deployment and production to improve performance, scalability, and security; lower operating costs, and increase user adoption of self-service analytics.

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