Announcing Imply 2.0

Dec 01, 2016
Fangjin Yang

We are extremely excited to announce Imply 2.0, our largest release ever, available now for download. This release contains significant updates to both Druid and Pivot, which we will cover in two separate blog posts:

Druid 0.9.2 contains hundreds of performance improvements, including a brand new groupBy engine that is several times faster than the previous version. The new Pivot release is our largest to date and contains a variety of new features including settings, user logins, dashboarding, geographical visualizations, and heatmap visualizations.

You can find out all the details about new features and improvements in the aforementioned blog posts, and you can also review the Imply 2.0 docs for more information. We’re very thrilled about this new release! Please give it a try and share your feedback on the Imply mail list.

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