Announcing Imply 1.3.0

Jun 29, 2016
Fangjin Yang

We are extremely excited to announce the next version of Imply Analytics Platform, IAP 1.3.0,available immediately on our download page. This is one of our biggest releases to date and includes major updates for both Druid and Pivot.


IAP 1.3.0 includes the latest Druid stable:Druid, which contains hundreds of performance improvements, stability improvements, and bug fixes from over 30 contributors. Major new features include an experimentalKafka indexing service to support exactly-once ingestion from Apache Kafka, support for cluster-wide query-time lookups (QTL), and an improved segment balancing algorithm.

To get started with the new Kafka indexing service, we invite you to try our new getting started tutorial. We are incredibly excited about this feature, which for the first time will allow Druid users to leverage streaming ingestion for both real-time and historical data, with strong exactly-once guarantees. We’ll be publishing another blog post soon with details about how this works – so stay tuned!

For the full list of changes, please see Druid’s release notes.


IAP 1.3.0 adds to Pivot’s exploratory feature set with additional visualizations to gain deeper insights into your data.

Exclusion Filters

We’ve introduced an “exclusion mode” in filter menus — you can now filter out values you want to exclude such as those pesky ‘null’ values.

Table Bars

The table view now features horizontal shading to provide an intuitive visual indicator of metric values.


If you have continuous data, you can now explore it in bucketed form and customize the bucket size.


You can download IAP 1.3.0 on our download page. For the full set of changes in IAP 1.3.0, please see the release notes.

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