Real time DBaaS comes to Europe

May 08, 2023
Himanshu Raval

Imply Polaris now available in EU

We are excited to announce the availability of Imply Polaris in Europe, specifically in AWS eu-central-1 region based in Frankfurt.

Since its launch in March 2022, Imply Polaris, the fully managed Database-as-a-Service has helped customers build real-time analytics applications faster, cheaper, and with less effort. We have seen increasing demand for Imply Polaris, from small businesses and large multinationals whose data resides in the EU region.

Going forward, anyone can opt to start their Polaris free trial in the EU region (aws eu-central-1) or the US region (aws us-east-1) and deploy it to production later in one or both regions.

This launch also lays the foundation for Polaris expansion across more AWS regions to meet the needs of our global customers.

Imply Polaris in Amazon Marketplace

Customers can now initiate a trial and purchase Imply Polaris directly via the AWS Marketplace to consolidate their billing and overall experience. Imply’s AWS Marketplace listing offers both Pay-as-you-go and savings plan options for both Imply Polaris and Imply Enterprise.

Imply Polaris Uptime SLA

As Enterprises have ingested hundreds of terabytes (TB) of their critical, production data into Imply Polaris, we have invested significantly in the resiliency and availability of our DBaaS. We offer an uptime service level agreement (SLA) for customers running their real-time analytics in Imply Polaris. Please contact us if you have any specific questions about the SLA.

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