Introducing Apache Druid 29.0

Feb 21, 2024
Will Xu

Apache Druid® is an open-source distributed database designed for real-time analytics at scale.

We are excited to announce the release of Apache Druid 29.0. This release contains over 350 commits & 67 contributors.

In 2024, the three big themes we are interested in are performance, ecosystem, and SQL standard compliance.

On the performance side,  the EARLIEST/LATEST aggregators now support numerical columns during ingestion. Making it easier for you to model the data into better shapes for querying.

On the ecosystem side, we continue to improve the multi-stage query (MSQ) engine, adding more cloud support and the ability to export data. We’ve also improved the ingestion system. You can now ingest folder names (such as parquet partitions) into Druid. This enabled Druid to source data from Deltalake, making it substantially easier to integrate Druid into the rest of your data platform.

On the SQL standard compliance side, we have added support for PIVOT/UNPIVOT and unequal joins. Window functions have also seen substantial improvements and are ready for testing in more use cases.

Lastly, there are 2 new extensions, Spectator Histogram and DD Sketch, both of which provide improved versions of current data sketches for specific use cases.

Please read on for the details on the above-highlighted features. We are excited to see you use the latest version and to share your questions and feedback in the Druid Slack channel.

MSQ –  Azure and GCP support

MSQ is a query engine that supports long-running queries. It uses object stores as intermediate storage to recover from failures. When MSQ was initially launched, the system was built to support the AWS S3 object store as intermediate storage to enable fault tolerance. In this release, we’ve introduced support for both Azure blob storage as well as GCP blob storage as options to enable fault tolerance on Azure and GCP clouds.

You can configure this by setting `` to either `google` or `azure`.

MSQ – CSV Export

As we expand support for object stores, we are also working to make Druid easier to integrate with the rest of the data ecosystem. Oftentimes, people create useful metrics using Druid’s rollup capabilities during data ingestion. But sometimes, downstream systems might require access to those metrics in their own format.In this release, we’ve added the ability to export to S3 with CSV format using the syntax from the following example. Over time, we’ll expand support for other file formats and destinations. Please do reach out to us on the Druid community on Slack and let us know what other format/destination combination is most useful to you.

  EXTERN (S3(bucket=<...>, prefix=<...>, tempDir=<...>))
SELECT <column>
FROM <table>

Unequal joins

Joins are fun; in many scenarios, the data relationship you are trying to analyze is asymmetric. For example, you might want to join a table of events with a table of promotions where the event date falls within the start and end dates of the promotion. Or analyze data in a social network, finding users who follow many but are followed by few. In those cases, you’ll need the ability to do non-equal joins. The highlights below are the new capabilities we are introducing in this release.

    A.follower_id, a.following_count, b.follower_count
    (SELECT follower_id, COUNT(*) AS following_count
     FROM Followers
     GROUP BY follower_id) a
    (SELECT followed_id, COUNT(*) AS follower_count
     FROM Followers
     GROUP BY followed_id) b 
ON  a.follower_id = b.followed_id
AND a.following_count > X -- X is the threshold for 'following many'
AND b.follower_count < Y; -- Y is the threshold for 'followed by few'


Pivot table is a popular feature in Excel and used in a lot of reporting scenarios. Imagine you have the following table:

Product IDMonthSales

“Lets say you want a report that does a monthly summary per product over time similar to the one below. You could do a “Pivot” of your data to easily get this table into the desired report format

Product IDJanFeb
PIVOT (aggregation_function(column_to_aggregate)
 FOR column_with_values_to_pivot
 IN (pivoted_column1 [, pivoted_column2 ...])

EARLIEST / LATEST support for numerical columns

In Druid, you can use LATEST() as an aggregation function to find the latest record for a given column based on __time. This is useful to find the last data point you’ve received, for example. Under the hood, LATEST() handles strings and numerical data differently (it is translated to the  stringLast or  doubleLast native functions)

Previously, you were limited to using numerical last/first aggregators at query time only. In this release, you will be able to use them on the ingestion side as well.

Native query first/lastSQL EARLIEST/LATESTIngestion first/last
Druid 28
Druid 29

System fields ingestion

For those who have ventured into data lakes, it’s often that table partitions form part of the file structure, with prefixes or folder names. In this release, you gain the capability to ingest this system information, including file names and object bucket store prefixes.

Deltalake support

In Druid 28.0, we introduced experimental support for sourcing data from Iceberg. In this release, we are adding support for sourcing data from Deltalake.

It’s as simple as loading the “druid-deltalake” extension and point to your lake location in a multi-stage query SQL.

REPLACE INTO "delta-employee-datasource" OVERWRITE ALL

What’s cool about this is in conjunction with Async queries, you can now directly query a deltalake table via Druid without ingestion!


In this release, we’ve added JSON_QUERY_ARRAY, which is similar to JSON_QUERY except the return type is always an array. This allows you to apply UNNEST with JSON objects, providing a composite to flatten the arrays of objects. 

For example, in the table below, it contains 3 purchases, you can now use JSON_QUERY_ARRAY(“products”, “$”) to extract the array of products and UNNEST it to produce the table below.

C123452024-01-30P1001Laptop11200.001360.98Credit Card
C123452024-01-30P2053Wireless Mouse235.991360.98Credit Card
C123452024-01-30P3321Bluetooth Keyboard189.991360.98Credit Card

Spectator histogram and DDSketch

The Spectator-based histogram extension (`druid-spectator-histogram`) provides approximate histogram aggregators and percentile post-aggregators based on Spectator fixed-bucket histograms.

Spectator histogram is more size efficient than the current quantile sketch and uses less memory during queries/ingestions. Based on the example data provided by the contributor, you can see an 8x reduction in storage footprint when comparing a spectator histogram column with a quantile sketch column. 

Spectator histograms are optimized for accuracy at smaller values but with less absolute accuracy at higher values. Testing this with your own dataset will help you to make an informed space vs. accuracy trade-off.

In the same release, there is a community-contributed DDSketch ( into Druid. When compared to quantile sketches, DDSketch offers higher accuracy at the ends of the quantiles. Specifically, this makes it accurate to calculate P90 and P10 values with higher accuracy with less K tuning.

Try this out today!

For a full list of all new functionality in Druid 29.0.0, head over to the Apache Druid download page and check out the release notes.

Try out these functions and more through Python notebooks in the Imply learn-druid Github repo.

Alternatively, you can sign up for Imply Polaris, Imply’s SaaS offering that includes Druid 29’s production quality capabilities and a lot more. 

Stay Connected

Are you new to Druid? Check out the Druid quickstart, take Imply’s Druid Basics course and head to the resource-packed Developer Center

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Join the Druid community on Slack to keep up with the latest news and releases, chat with other Druid users, and get answers to your real-time analytics database questions.

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