Druid December Meetup Videos

Dec 21, 2016
Fangjin Yang

Our last Druid meetup at Sift Science had 3 great talks about use cases with Druid & Imply, and the upcoming Druid roadmap.

Using Druid at Sift Science

Jim Zhang, Software Engineering Intern at Sift Science

Sift Science provides a platform that online businesses use to prevent fraud and abuse. The talk is about some of Sift Science’s use cases for Druid and experiences with operating Druid in production.

Druid at Flurry

Eric Tschetter, Distinguished Architect at Yahoo, Druid PMC

Eric talks about how Flurry leverages Druid to provide visibility to mobile developers about how their apps are being used. The talk covers real-world scenarios and discuss some of the changes made to align Druid to Flurry’s needs.

Druid 0.9.3 roadmap

Gian Merlino, CTO at Imply, Druid PMC

Gian discusses the upcoming Druid 0.9.3 features and demo native SQL in Druid.

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