Scheduling batch ingestion with Apache Airflow

Jan 12, 2024
Kyle Hoondert

For most of us, data streams through our pipelines like a rushing river, feeding our analytical dashboards with real-time insights and keeping us on the pulse of ever-changing trends. But what happens when the river takes a detour, leaving a dry bed of historical data waiting to be ingested? That’s where batch ingestion comes in, and when it comes to wrangling big batches for your Apache Druid data warehouse, harnessing the power of Apache Airflow is key.

This guide is your map to navigating the confluence of Airflow and Druid for smooth batch ingestion. We’ll get you started by showing you how to setup Airflow and the Druid Provider and use it to ingest some data into Druid. Forget clunky one-off scripts and manual interventions – we’ll have you building reusable, reliable batch pipelines in no time.

So, whether you’re dealing with periodic data dumps, historic backfills, or simply want a robust fallback for when the streaming spigot runs dry, join us on this journey through the art of batch ingestion with Airflow and Druid. Get ready to conquer those data backlog mountains and unleash the full potential of your Druid system.

The Druid provider for Airflow recently added hooks for MSQ ingestion. At the time of writing there were a few issues to iron out – we’ll get these figured out and update the article accordingly

Setup Apache Airflow

Airflow can be configured using several methods including:

In this example we will use docker-compose to configure all the required services on a single machine running Docker. 

** This deployment type is not recommended for production implementations

Following the procedure from here:

mkdir airflow; cd airflow

# Download the docker-compose.yaml
curl -LfO ''

# configure the required directories - these directories are mounted in the 
# container to /opt/airflow (e.g. /opt/airflow/dags)
mkdir -p ./dags ./logs ./plugins ./config

# Configure the UID environment variable
echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)" > .env

# Initialise the Airflow containers
docker compose up airflow-init

# Start Airflow
docker compose up

Once started we can view the components of the stack:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                  COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS                        PORTS                    NAMES
61f101c356cb   apache/airflow:2.8.0   "/usr/bin/dumb-init ..."   About a minute ago   Up About a minute (healthy)>8080/tcp   airflowdockerkb-airflow-webserver-1
bbce357e5ba2   apache/airflow:2.8.0   "/usr/bin/dumb-init ..."   3 minutes ago        Up 2 minutes (healthy)        8080/tcp                 airflowdockerkb-airflow-worker-1
27c90befac17   apache/airflow:2.8.0   "/usr/bin/dumb-init ..."   3 minutes ago        Up 2 minutes (healthy)        8080/tcp                 airflowdockerkb-airflow-triggerer-1
e6f6be7fe9a9   apache/airflow:2.8.0   "/usr/bin/dumb-init ..."   3 minutes ago        Up 2 minutes (healthy)        8080/tcp                 airflowdockerkb-airflow-scheduler-1
0c7fd9fab729   postgres:13            "docker-entrypoint.s..."   3 minutes ago        Up 3 minutes (healthy)        5432/tcp                 airflowdockerkb-postgres-1
dbd5db020d9a   redis:latest           "docker-entrypoint.s..."   3 minutes ago        Up 3 minutes (healthy)        6379/tcp                 airflowdockerkb-redis-1

Check for the Druid Provider

Now that our Airflow stack is running in Docker, we can connect to Airflow to understand if our required provider (apache-airflow-providers-apache-druid) is included.

Connect to http://localhost:8080 with the username airflow and password airflow

Alternatively we can connect to the Airflow container and check which providers are available using the airflow providers list command.

In the default distribution the Druid provider will not be included – we need to proceed to the next step.

Adding Druid Provider For Docker Environments

In order to install the Druid provider in our Docker environment, we need to update the docker-compose.yaml before starting (or restarting) our Docker environment. 

To do this, stop any running docker-compose environments and update _PIP_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS in the docker-compose.yaml like:

_PIP_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS: ${_PIP_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS:- apache-airflow-providers-apache-druid}

Enabling “Test Connections” functionality

When setting up a new connection, it can help to have the Test Connections functionality enabled. We can do this by adding a line to our docker-compose.yaml – we can add this directly after the _PIP_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS line:


Add a Druid connection

Navigate to the Connections section of Admin to add a conneciton

From here can click + add a new connection

Populate the dialog with the properties of your Druid cluster.

Important point: the Connection Type needs to be HTTP (not Druid)

Extra (for copy/paste)

  "endpoint": "druid/indexer/v1/task",
  "msq_endpoint": "druid/v2/sql/task"

Configuring ingestion

In order to configure a scheduled ingestion into Druid using Airflow, we will need to provide:

  • A Druid native or SQL ingestion spec. We can parameterize this ingestion spec so that it can be run repeatably, Airflow can handle the population of the parameters accordingly
  • A DAG to execute the ingestion process – this is how we tell Airflow how to run the job, and any parameters to change at execution time

Parameterizing an ingestion spec

Ideally only a few items in a batch ingestion spec should require parameterization for execution in Airflow. These may include entries such as directory prefixes, URIs or baseDirs, or the interval startTime / endTime. 

These parameters use Jinja templating, with parameters being specified in {{ }} and parameters including params. before their names like params.prefixes

Parameterizing our prefixes allows us to add code in our DAG to account for schemes which use subfolders to separate our source data.

Parameterizing our startTime and endTime allows us to add code in our DAG to manage ingestion timelines. We can daily, hourly, every 15 minutes – calculating start/end time is outside the scope of this doc.

Ingestion specs in this example are expected to be placed in the plugins directory.

Parameterized native ingestion spec (abbreviated)


  "type": "index_parallel",
  "spec": {
    "ioConfig": {
      "type": "index_parallel",
      "inputSource": {
        "type": "http",
        "uris": [
          "{{ params.prefixes }}"
      "inputFormat": {
        "type": "json"
    "dataSchema": {
      "granularitySpec": {
        "segmentGranularity": "day",
        "queryGranularity": "none",
        "rollup": false,
        "intervals": [
          "{{ params.startTime }}/{{ params.endTime }}"
      "dataSource": "wikipedia",
      "timestampSpec": {
        "column": "timestamp",
        "format": "iso"
      "dimensionsSpec": {
        "dimensions": [ ]
    "tuningConfig": {
      "type": "index_parallel",
      "partitionsSpec": {
        "type": "dynamic"

Sample Airflow DAG for Druid native ingestion using parameters

druid-native.json is stored in the dags directory

from airflow.models import DAG
from airflow.providers.apache.druid.operators.druid import DruidOperator
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

default_args = {
  'owner': 'Airflow',
  'depends_on_past': False,
  'email_on_failure': False,
  'email_on_retry': False,
  'retries': 1,
  'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=1)

with DAG(
    dag_id = 'druidNativeIngestion',
    start_date = datetime(2021, 1, 1),
    max_active_runs = 1,
    schedule_interval = '@daily',
    default_args = default_args,
    catchup = False,
    template_searchpath = ['/opt/airflow/plugins/'],
) as dag:
    submit_job = DruidOperator(
    task_id = 'druidIngestion',
    druid_ingest_conn_id = 'Druid',
    json_index_file = 'wikipedia_native.json',
        prefixes = '',
        startTime = '1999-07-13',
        endTime = '2021-07-14'

Running the DAG

Once our ingestion spec is placed in plugins and our DAG is placed in dags we should find our DAG available to run in Airflow


In addition to the details available in the UI, it can be helpful to have a look at the logs to understand how the DAG is being passed to Druid.

Logs can be found in the logs directory – for example a log from a run of the above spec and dag was found in logs/dag_id=druidNativeIngestion/run_id=manual__2024-01-12T09:57:54.758987+00:00/task_id=druidIngestion/attempt=1.log

Are the parameters are being interpreted properly / is our spec valid

We might want to grab the ingestion spec from the log details and try it in Druid directly to ensure it is a valid spec. Copy the spec from the log, and paste in the Task tab of Druid

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