Use Imply to get the best developer experience from Druid with a lower operational cost
Explore the open source technology that powers Imply's real-time analytics platform
See why 1000s of companies choose Druid over Clickhouse, Pinot and others
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Fast track your journey with a fully managed, secure, cloud-native database-as-a-service
Bring your own cloud (BYOC) service to your AWS VPC
Gain tools and support to run Druid yourself on any hardware and any cloud
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Multi-dimensional analysis for streams
Fast ad-hoc queries on TBs to PBs of data
Interactive insights for external users
Instant queries for automated pipelines
Application Observability
Security / Fraud
Product Analytics
IoT / Telemetry Analytics
Real-time Analytics
See how developers at 1000s of companies have become the new heroes of analytics with Apache Druid.
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