Rick Jacobs
Technical Evangelist => Big Data Analytics, AI development, Streaming data, database architecture, data management, cloud computing
How to Build a Sentiment Analysis Application with ChatGPT and Druid
This blog demonstrates integrating ChatGPT and Apache Druid for sentiment analysis on tweets about ChatGPT. By leveraging AI and real-time analytics, businesses can make data-driven decisions, monitor brands, and analyze customer feedback efficiently.
Real-Time Analytics with Imply Polaris: From Setup to Visualization
This tutorial details how to setup an Imply account, create a datasource, and ingest data into Imply Polaris. It also covers how to use the console to query and visualize data.
Visualizing Data in Apache Druid with the Plotly Python Library
This tutorial details how to visualize data in Apache Druid with Plotly. It covers the process of querying data in Druid using SQL and creating visualizations that are rendered in a Flask web application.
Migrating Data From S3 To Apache Druid
This article covers the rationale, advantages, and step-by-step process for data transfer from AWS s3 to Apache Druid for faster real-time analytics and querying.
Wow, That was Easy – Up and Running with Apache Druid
This tutorial outlines how to install and use Apache Druid. It covers the installation process and the use of Druid SQL ingestion to import data and execute SQL queries.
Migrate Analytics Data from Snowflake to Apache Druid
This tutorial outlines how to migrate data from Snowflake to Apache Druid. It covers the process of extracting data from Snowflake, ingesting that data into Druid and also querying that data.
Migrate Analytics Data from MongoDB to Apache Druid
This tutorial steps through the data migration procedure for moving data from MongoDB to Apache Druid. It covers the process of extracting data from MongoDB, ingesting that data into Druid and hanging changing data.
Automatic Kafka Stream Topic Detection and Ingestion
This tutorial outlines how to automate ingestion from new Kafka topics to Apache Druid. It outlines how to develop a monitoring agent that captures new topics and automatically creates ingestion tasks for them in Druid.
Schema Auto-Discovery with Apache Druid
This blog details how to ingest data into Apache Druid without specifying a schema. It also covers how to use the Druid Console to query and visualize data.