Learn how to configure and tune Druid to run it in a highly available, highly performant cluster at scale.
Distributed by Nature: Druid at Scale
This blog explains how Druid’s architecture and built-in automation makes it easy to operate and scale in cloud and k8s environments.
How to Reduce Credential Iterations—and Improve API Performance
Learn how to speed up your API with this trick.
How to Tune Apache Druid for Speed and Concurrency
Learn how to optimize Apache Druid for peak performance and concurrency.
Scaling a Druid cluster
This lesson walks through design and implementation of Druid infrastructure, including Initial Cluster Creation, Infrastructure Provider Choice, Adding and Removing Capacity, Landscape Design, and Performance Tuning
Monitoring a Druid Cluster
This lesson covers how to consider and implement monitoring for internal Druid operations and cluster infrastructure.
Securing a Druid Cluster
This lesson described how to make a Druid cluster secure, including authoriztion, authentication, network security, and best practices.
Providing High Availability and Disaster Recovery
This lesson provides details on designing and implementing Druid to ensure always-on operations and high data durability.